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Upcoming events

Previous Events


DTX Europe, "Build back greener: Marrying sustainability and technology innovation for a brighter future - Mainstage panel Moderator", 13 October 2021


Brent Tech Week, "Gone Girls: Where are the Women in Tech", November 16th 2021


Women of Silicon Roundabout, practical deep dive workshop "Agile Ninja Warrior: Agile games in action"


The Agile Roundabout,  Digital meetup, whiteboarding exercise "Screens between teams" 


Digital Transformation Expo - Panel Moderator "Creating a Tech for Good strategy: What impact do you want your organisation to have?" 






Agile20Reflect/ Automation Logic - Panel moderator "You're not doing Agile!"


PGI Connect "Connecting Agile Teams in a Disconnected World"


Corporate IT Forum - "Top 5 Tips for Flexible Career Planning"


BrainTrustGroup - Panel Discussion: "Virtual Onboarding: Hits, Misses and Key Insights"


UCX: Now - Panel Discussion: Adapting the future workplace for Gen Y and Gen Z workers


BrainTrustGroup - Panel Discussion: "Agile and WFH"


Burns Sheehan / Moo : Agile in Action workshop facilitator 



Microsoft's EU Experts live - "Creating Cultural Habits"


Digital Transformation Expo - "Creating a DevOps Culture"


European Women in Tech - "#ihavenoideawhatImdoing"


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